Wednesday 17 September 2008

Kids Are Fast Learners

Ever since my first son was born, I kept hearing people saying, "Let children learn as early as possible, because they can learn many things very fast!"

Ariq started asking to have drum lesson when he was 3 years old, but I was not sure whether he really wanted it, or it was just something he THOUGHT he wanted! However, I did realise that every time he was tapping his hands on solid surface, the beat he made was very rhythmic.

When he was still asking until he was 4 years old, I was finally convinced that he really meant it (that he wanted drum lesson). So, I started asking around where he could start drum lesson. At that time, people told me that music school would accept children as early as 5 years old, so I told Ariq that he could start when he turned 5.

One day, when Ariq got out of school, I decided to check out a music school nearby his school, and it turned out that the place accepted children as early as 3.5 years old! Well, we quickly decided to enroll Ariq there.

Well, being kids.. there were times that he was late to class, or getting sick and was unable to attend class at all, or he was just too tired to open his eyes after school... I did not push him too much whenever one of these things happened..

However, this is him after 6 months of drum lesson, and I am often lulled by his drum playing..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waaaaa pinter banget si ariq ya ndri, anakku belom ketauan ni bakatnya apaan, baru mau 2 tahun si, kayaknya sih dia suka banget sama buku


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